Impact Alumni Magazine Winter 2023/24
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This past fall, Guerin Catholic President Deacon Rick Wagner, drove to Lafayette to spend some time with Guerin Catholic founding Bishop, Bishop Emeritus William L. Higi. Deacon Rick interviewed Bishop Higi in an effort to collect, for the purpose of documenting, some of Bishop Higi’s thoughts regarding his decision to move forward with building the first Catholic high school in Indiana in over 30 years. Q: What inspired you to give the go-ahead for building a new Catholic high school in your diocese? A: I attended Catholic schools myself and believe strongly in the value of a Catholic education. Despite the obvious hurdle of raising enough money to both build and sustain the school, I saw a real need. There were so many Catholics in the area looking for a “home.” The supporters of the project were so convincing. I’ll add that building Guerin Catholic was the best decision I ever made as a bishop, and all I had to do was say, “Yes!” Q: What impact do you believe Guerin Catholic has had on the diocesan and local community? A: It has made the community stronger. There is now an entire generation of young people that I am confident understand and will promote the faith. Q: What is your greatest hope for the school moving forward? A: I pray the school will continue to fulfill the mission–it is more important now than it has ever been given the state of our world. Q: What message would you like to on pass on to the Guerin Catholic community as we celebrate the 20-year anniversary? A: First, THANK YOU to all the people that believed in the importance of offering a quality, authentic Catholic education–not just believed in it, but got involved and made things happen. If I don’t leave anything else, I believe Guerin Catholic is my legacy. Blessings on the next twenty years and beyond! Those are perfect words to end a reflection on our first twenty years! Thank you, Bishop Higi! n A CONVERSATION WITH BISHOP EMERITUS WILLIAM L. HI G I
“Building G uerin Catholic was the best decision I ever made as a bishop.”
Bishop William L. Higi talks with a local reporter at the school’s groundbreaking in May 2002 (top); Bishop Higi at the dedication of the Marian Grotto on the Guerin Catholic campus in 2008 (middle), and with Chaplain Coady Owens at the groundbreaking of the new Fine Arts and Wellness Center in 2023 (bottom).
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